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Join us for a GAN November, on Housing, Growth, and Mr. Pittman on AACo's Sustainable Future

The first half of November is full of topics for citizens, with three important events in the next two weeks.

Get your calendar handy!

Affordable Housing: This Monday, Nov 6, the campaign for more affordable housing in AACo gets into full swing. The Council holds its first hearing on the Essential Worker Housing Access Act that night at 7:00 in the Arundel Center at 44 Calvert Street, Annapolis. Get there and testify in support. Details at: And, join the Rally for Housing in Peoples Park across from Arundel Center starting at 5:45.

For GAN Members: Housing and Development: Then Wednesday, Nov 8, 9:30-11:00a, join our GAN Zoom call with the Director and senior staff of the Office of Planning and Zoning in AACo. We will ask about the county’s plans for building new housing and the pace of development in the county, among other topics. You can listen and watch, and submit any questions via Zoom at

For GAN Members: GAN Annual Meeting featuring County Executive Steuart Pittman Thursday, Nov 16, 6:30-8:30p at the Busch library on West Street in Annapolis. Mr. Pittman will speak about “Building a Sustainable Future” and take your questions. We’ll outline GAN progress in 2023 and our priorities for 2024 and hear from you about what you’d like GAN to focus on next year, and opportunities for networking. Visit our website for additional details, including log in info if you can’t make it in person.

It's a citizens' November. Make the most of it, and we hope to see you there!

To learn about GAN and what we do in GAN, visit and to join all GAN meetings and events and support our mission, visit:


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